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معالي أ. بندر بن إبراهيم الخريف، وزير الصناعة والثروة المعدنية.


Saudi Manufacturing

Tony Hunter

Tony Hunter

Food Futurist, Future of Food Consulting
Tony is a Food Futurist Speaker, food scientist, author and strategic foresight consultant specialising in the future of the food, beverage and agriculture industries. He uses his combination of deep technical knowledge and story weaver skills to inform, inspire and entertain his audiences. He has spoken on four continents and regularly presents on podcasts, webinars, TV, radio and in print as an expert on the Future of Food. He consults to global food companies from PepsiCo to KFC as well as VC investors and top four global consulting companies on the impact of food technology and consumer trends. Using his distinctive combination of scientific qualifications, business experience and detailed insight into food technologies he delivers a unique perspective on the future of the food, beverage and agriculture industries. From farm to fork, audiences and clients are amazed at his stories of the Future of Food