Prabodh Halde
Dr. Prabodh Halde , Phd ( Food tech), He is working with Marico Ltd from last 17 years and currently working as Head Technical regulatory handling domestic and international businesses & Past President of Association of Food Scientists and Technologists of India CFTRI Mysore, and a renowned Food Technologist with a well-rounded, multi-disciplinary experience. He is chairman of western region for AIPFA India & Chambers for advancement of small and medium businesses. He is Joint secretary of SEA of India and Treasurer of PFNDAI. He is active member of various industry associations like CII,FICCI, IBHA etc.
He has a passion to nurture the young entrepreneurs. Prabodh has 29 years of string industrial experience& worked for Bakemans, ACC & Coca Cola India. He is on various board and renowned trainer in area of food processing, food safety and startup. He was central advisory member for FSSAI Govt of India as a reprehensive of food industry. He was member of Niti Ayog Empowered group 2020-21. He is part of state food safety committee for Gujarat government.
He is supporting food startups and mentor for over 25-30 food startups and through Trusted group activity he is supporting and mentoring over 200 startups & students
He was member of subcommittee for Ayush Ministry for covid task group and they published Ayush covid guidelines. He is Research Council member of CSIR-CFTRI . He is also member of Smart protein committee member in high profile committee of DBT-DST New Delhi.
He is on BOM studies for BMN/Khalsa/SNDT Polytechnic /ICT Aurangabad /ICT Kolhapur /K.G.Somya college/Pondicherry University/DYPATIL University etc . He is on advisory board on SVT SNDT & MIT Pune
He is National resource person for Fostac program of FSSAI. He has delivered over 300 National and international seminars. He has trained over 6000 food safety officilials in last 16 years for various FDAs and FSSAI as part of TOTO programs.
He has organized or part of organizing committee for over 200 national and international program/seminars over last 20 years.
An accomplished motivational and technical speaker, he has delivered more than a two hundred seminars and lectures at different conferences all across India and abroad on Food Processing / Quality and Food Safety. He has represented India 6 times for Codex Meeting from year 2012 to 2021.
His chosen area of expertise is Food Safety and Food Regulations. As recognition of his expertise, he was selected to be part of a PMO visit delegation to Tajikistan as a food industry expert in June 2015. In May 2017, he was invited by US state department for 21 days of exchange program at USA as food safety expert under Leadership exchange program. He is recipient of Globoil food safety award 2018 and Outstanding regulatory award 2018 by AIFPA India . He has been also awarded by MIT university pune for outstanding personality award 2019. He got National food safety ‘Eat Right Awards 2019’ in professional by FSSAI. He got special recognition award by ITC-FSCAN in year 2020. He is recipient of National Eminence award 2023 by CPRTTF. He has received outstanding work in eat right program by Hon, Government of Maharashtra in April 2023.
He has 3 patents in his credit as primary inventor. He has started various innovative programs in AFST Viz Project Ashirwad, Project Avishkar, Project Power talk and Project Parampara. All these programs are now popular at national level . He has written much-appreciated books on Food Safety regulations for sectors such as the Oil industry, Bakery Industry and the Retail industry. These informative books have proved to be very useful guides for Food Business Operators. He has also published 5 motivational books for students named ‘Prabodhika’ , recently 5th Prabodhika was blessed by HE Shri Ramnath Kovind, President of India. He also work for udaan welfare foundation for under privileged section of society.