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معالي أ. بندر بن إبراهيم الخريف، وزير الصناعة والثروة المعدنية.


Saudi Manufacturing

Flavia Fayet-Moore

Flavia Fayet-Moore

CEO, FOODiQ Global

Dr Flav (Flavia Fayer-Moore) is a Brazilian-born, Canadian-raised, Australian-made scientist, dietitian, space nutritionist and entrepreneur. She is the founder and CEO of FOODiQ Global, a Registered Nutritionist, Accredited Practising Dietitian, board certified Lifestyle Medicine Professional, and Adjunct Lecturer of the University of Newcas cle. Flavia graduated from the University of Toronto with an Honours Bachelor of Science in Biology and Nutritional Sciences Specialist, obtained both her Master of Nutrition and Dietetics and PhD in nutrition from the University of Sydney, and completed the Space Studies Program from the International Space University.

Dr Flav believes chat science, technology, and creativity can go a long way in solving some of the problems we face globally in health and wellbeing, and has dedicated her 20+ year career to performing and translating nutrition research which makes a public health impact. At FOODiQ_ Global, she leads game-changing research, education and communication chat provides strategic and meaningful impact. As co-founder of Food is Cool, she is on a mission to increase access to evidence-based nutrition education for the early years to help everyone have a positive relationship with food for life.

Dr Flav is a member of the Nutrition Society of Australia, the Dietitian's Association of Australia, The American Society of Nutrition and a founding board member and fellow of the Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine.